

At our heart, we're all about sharing the magic of our tours with you! Whether through captivating photos, thrilling videos, or awesome brochures, we love showcasing the incredible experiences that await. While you're on tour with us, we might capture some memorable moments – snapping photos, shooting videos, or recording audio to share on our website, social media, and other promotional materials. The best part? No need for special permissions or payment for starring in our promotional content!

Tour Price: The tour price may change depending on how many people join the trip.

Accommodations: In some places, you won't find fancy hotels because they are in remote areas. So, don't expect things like 24/7 electricity, hot water, or Wi-Fi in these places.

Room Categories: The tour packages are based on standard rooms, no matter what level of hotel you choose. If you want an upgrade, you'll have to pay at the hotel (as per availability).

Similar Accommodation: If you're travelling with a big group, we might not have enough rooms in one hotel. So, if we need to book two or more hotels, the rooms may not be exactly the same. We'll try our best to make them similar, but please be understanding.

Special Requests: Any special requests, like early check-in or room preferences, depend on what's available when you arrive. If there are extra charges, you'll have to cover them.

Meal Plans: Meals are typically set menus or buffets, not a la carte. Snacks, drinks, soups, and desserts may not be included, and you'll need to pay separately for those (as per availability).

Alcohol: T Although we do not promote the consumption of Alcohol at high-altitude areads but if you want to have alcohol in hotels or rooms, you'll need to follow the hotel's rules.

Triple Sharing Rooms :In triple-sharing rooms, we provide an extra mattress, not a full extra bed.

Water and Electricity: In hilly areas, there may be limited water and electricity. Some hotels have fixed schedules for hot and cold water. We're sorry for any inconvenience, and we appreciate your cooperation.

ID Requirement: The government requires all guests to show a valid photo ID when checking in at hotels thus it is mandatory for all guests to submit their IDs in the forms shared by their POCs/Sales Agents for hassle-free check-in.

Camp Accommodations: Camps in places like Sarchu, Nubra, Pangong, Jispa, Chandratal, etc., are very basic, even though they have different categories. Although the Swiss Camps have attached bathroom facilities but running hot water and are not available due to the remoteness of these locations. Thus, we appreciate your cooperation and understanding as am adventure traveler in the same.

Possible Delays:Sometimes, due to unforeseen events like traffic, strikes, or other reasons, the vehicle may be delayed. Please be patient and board the vehicle as soon as it arrives to avoid further delays.

Vehicle Usage: The vehicle is only for the planned itinerary and not for your personal use.

No AC in Hilly Regions: In hilly areas, vehicles like Tempo Traveler, Innova, Xylo, Scorpio, or similar won't have air conditioning.

Volvo Bus: The Volvo bus from Delhi to the starting point of the tour is provided by a third party. While we arrange a replacement in case of a breakdown, it might take some time.

Lunch/Dinner Stops: The Volvo bus stops for lunch and dinner at predefined places are chosen bythe vendor and not by us.

Discontinuation: If you have to leave the tour for reasons like illness or loss of travel documents, we can't refund unused services.

Pre-Tour Services: If you use pre-tour services but then don't join the main tour, there won't be anyrefund for unused services.

Behavior::We reserve the right to remove anyone from the tour if their behavior disrupts the experience for others.

Liabilities :Our immunities extend to our employees, directors, managers, and agents, but not to independent contractors.

Tour Program: Please follow the tour program as closely as possible. We can't provide refunds if you don't join the group on time or if you leave early.

Severability: If one condition is invalid, the others still apply. We're not liable for more than the totalamount you paid for the tour.

Price Changes: Prices may change due to factors like fuel costs or airline/rail charges. You'll need to pay for any increases before departure.

Time Limits:If you have any issues with the tour, you must bring a legal claim within 10 days after the tour ends.

Booking through Agents:If you book through a travel agent, your contract is with them, and we're just a supplier.

Scheme Changes:We can change or withdraw any discount or offer at any time unless we specifically state otherwise.

Liability :

If the company decides to make changes to your booked tour or holiday after you've already made your plans, here's what you can do: You can go along with the altered tour or holiday plans. Alternatively, you can opt for a different tour or holiday that the company suggests. In either of these cases, you won't be able to claim any compensation for damages, extra expenses, or any other losses. If, for some reason, the company can't run a particular tour, they may refund your tour cost, minus their actual expenses related to your booking. You can't raise any concerns about this afterward.

The company won't be responsible for:

Any harm or accidents during your trip, whether it's due to illness, injury, delays, discomfort, theft, or any other reason. Loss or damage to your baggage or personal belongings, even if it happens because of someone's negligence. Issues like airlines overbooking, flight cancellations, or route changes. If you can't board your flight due to such circumstances, the company won't be liable, and you can't claim a refund or compensation. If events beyond the company's control (like force majeure) affect your trip, they won't be held responsible for any resulting damages.

Brochure Accuracy :

We're in the business of organizing travel and holidays, not running airlines, hotels, transport services, or any other facilities mentioned in our brochure. While we carefully select all the components of your holiday, we can't control the actions or defaults of the management or employees of these independent contractors. If any issues arise due to their actions, we can't take responsibility for them.

Scope of Activity :

If your actions during our services cause damage or loss to our vendors or service providers (like airlines, hotels, and transport services), you agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from any claims.

Other Terms & Conditions :

To finalize your booking with us, we require the initial deposit per person as specified for each tour package. Full payment must be received according to our payment terms. Failure to do so may lead to cancellation with a loss of deposit and applicable cancellation charges.

We reserve the right to:

Terminate the contract before the tour begins, with a refund of the initial deposit but no interest. Make changes, substitutions, or withdrawals to any tour, holiday, excursion, or facility advertised. In these cases, we won't be liable for any resulting damages, expenses, or compensation claims. No one except us, in writing, can change the terms and conditions mentioned in this brochure.

We reserve the right to:

Terminate the contract before the tour begins, with a refund of the initial deposit but no interest. Make changes, substitutions, or withdrawals to any tour, holiday, excursion, or facility advertised. In these cases, we won't be liable for any resulting damages, expenses, or compensation claims. No one except us, in writing, can change the terms and conditions mentioned in this brochure.

Health & Safety :

We won't be liable for: Any harm, injury, sickness, accidents, delays, discomfort, or misadventures during your trip. Acts, omissions, defaults of independent contractors, their employees, servants, or agents engaged in providing services during your trip, even if they are negligent. Loss or damage to baggage or personal effects, even if it's due to negligence. Our liability for any claims related to the tour or holiday, including any consequential losses or expenses, is limited to the total amount paid for the tour.

If you have any complaints about our independent contractors' services, you must inform them in writing and provide a copy to our tour manager so that we can address the issue for the benefit of future clients. Any claims or complaints must be submitted to us in writing within 10 days after the end of your holiday tour. Claims beyond this period won't be entertained. Each condition mentioned here stands independently. If any provision is invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will still apply. Tour prices are dynamic, and early bookers may get lower prices, while last-minute bookings may more. Prices in the brochure are based on prevailing rates at the time of printing and may change before departure, with any increases to be paid in full before your trip.

Force Majeure :

In cases of acts of God, adverse weather, earthquakes, fires, war, invasions, rebellions, strikes, government actions, or other unforeseen events that force us to make changes or incur additional expenses, passengers will be responsible for these extra costs.

Bike Guidelines:

Before you hop on that bike and roll with our crew, take a minute to go over these terms and conditions. We want everyone to be on the same page and ride safe.

1. Who's Who? When we say "Greatbear yatra," we mean the folks behind this website and the awesome trips we offer.And when we say "you," we're talking about you – the rider or the person checking out our website.

2. The Deal Once you drop that deposit with us, you're telling us you're cool with these terms. So, it's like a virtual handshake between us.

3. What's What? Alright, let's break it down:

Services Info:The stuff we put on the website is just to give you an idea of what we offer. It's not an official offer to sell you anything. Plus, our services might not be available everywhere, so keep that in mind.

No Guarantees: We try our best to keep everything accurate, but sometimes there might be a hiccup or two on the website. We're not perfect, and we can't guarantee that everything is always up-to-date.

Using Our Services

Now, let's talk about the actual trips:

Your Responsibility: Riding with us is at your own risk, and you're in charge of your bike and any passengers. Be a responsible rider, and make sure you know how to handle your bike. We're not here to teach you how to ride.

Know What You're Signing Up For: Before you book a trip, read up on what it involves. You need to know where we're going, how far we'll ride, and if it's a good fit for you. You should also have at least a year of riding experience and be good at it.

Watch Your Stuff: Keep an eye on your stuff during the trip. We're not responsible for anything youleave behind, even if you were distracted by the stunning views.

Get Checked Out:Before you join the fun, see your doc to make sure you're good to go. And if you're heading to the mountains, know about altitude sickness and be ready.

No Smoking: Don't light up on our vehicles during the trip, and follow the local smoking rules when we're out and about.

Our Best Effort:We do our best to give you great service, but we don't own the restaurants or hotels. So, if something's not up to snuff, we can't take the blame.

Follow the Rules: Obey local laws and traffic rules. And if our tour manager makes a call for the group's safety, listen up. If you don't, you might have to find your own way home.

Luggage Rules: Leave the illegal stuff at home. We don't want anything that could get us or you in trouble.

Safety First:Your safety is super important to us. If we think it's not safe for you to ride, we'll have you finish the trip in the support vehicle. Sorry, no refunds in that case.

No Booze or Drugs: Don't drink or do drugs before or during the ride. It's just not cool. We can boot you from the tour if you do.

We Can Say No:We can choose who comes along on our trips. If your behavior isn't cool, we can ask you to leave, and you'll have to sort yourself out.

Your Responsibility: Finally, you're in charge of your safety and your passenger's (if you have one). We're not responsible for any mishaps. Whew, that's a lot to take in, but it's all important stuff. So, if you're on board with these rules, let's hit the road and have an epic time!

Payment Policy

To finalize the trip, complete payment should be received before date of journey. Intital booking amount should be paid in advance according to the following policies.

Payment Policy For Trecks Tours

Upto 16 Days 15-08 Days 07-03 Days 02-0 Days
Booking Amount
50% Payment Optional Compulsory
75% Payment Optional Optional Compulsory
Full Payment Optional Optional Optional Compulsory

Payment Policy For Trecks Tours

Upto 30 Days 29-21 Days 20-15 Days 14-7 Days
Booking Amount
50% Payment Optional Compulsory
75% Payment Optional Optional Compulsory
Full Payment Optional Optional Optional Compulsory

Payment Policy For Domestic Tours

Upto 30 Days 29-21 Days 20-15 Days 14-7 Days
Booking Amount
50% Payment Optional Compulsory
75% Payment Optional Optional Compulsory
Full Payment Optional Optional Optional Compulsory

Payment to be made either to Company Account or Can be paid through payment gateway or via Netbanking. Details Below :

Account Details

Name Greatbear Yatra Llp
Bank Kotak Mahindra Bank
Account Type Current
Account Number 7670000000
IFSC Code KKBK0003542

Cancellation Policy

No cancellations will be taken over call or whatsapp msg.Please reply to the email of payment receipt that you have received at the time of booking. Booking amount is non-refundable.

Cancellation Policy for Weekend Tours

Upto 16 Days 15-08 Days 07-03 Days 02-0 Days
Batch Shifting
Cancellation Charge Free Cancellation 25% of the Trip Amount 50% of the Trip Amount 100% of the Trip Amount
Booking Amount Refund in mode of Credit Note Ajusted in Refund Deduction Ajusted in Refund Deduction No Refund
Remaining Amount Full Refund(minus) Booking Amount Refund(minus) 25% of the Trip Amount Refund(minus) 50% of the Trip Amount No Refund

Cancellation Policy For Trecks Tours

Upto 16 Days 15-08 Days 07-03 Days 02-0 Days
Batch Shifting
Cancellation Charge Free Cancellation 25% of the Trip Amount 50% of the Trip Amount 100% of the Trip Amount
Booking Amount Refund in mode of Credit Note Ajusted in Refund Deduction Ajusted in Refund Deduction No Refund
Remaining Amount Full Refund(minus) Booking Amount Refund(minus) 25% of the Trip Amount Refund(minus) 50% of the Trip Amount No Refund

Cancellation Policy for Bike And Backpacking Tours

Upto 16 Days 15-08 Days 07-03 Days 02-0 Days
Batch Shifting
Cancellation Charge Free Cancellation 25% of the Trip Amount 50% of the Trip Amount 100% of the Trip Amount
Booking Amount Refund in mode of Credit Note Ajusted in Refund Deduction Ajusted in Refund Deduction No Refund
Remaining Amount Full Refund(minus) Booking Amount Refund(minus) 25% of the Trip Amount Refund(minus) 50% of the Trip Amount No Refund

Cancellation Policy For Domestic Tours

Upto 16 Days 15-08 Days 07-03 Days 02-0 Days
Batch Shifting
Cancellation Charge Free Cancellation 25% of the Trip Amount 50% of the Trip Amount 100% of the Trip Amount
Booking Amount Refund in mode of Credit Note Ajusted in Refund Deduction Ajusted in Refund Deduction No Refund
Remaining Amount Full Refund(minus) Booking Amount Refund(minus) 25% of the Trip Amount Refund(minus) 50% of the Trip Amount No Refund

Credit Note:

The Booking Amount will be credited to your JW Profile which can be accessed by logging in to the website through your Email ID. Credit Notes issued have no date of expiry and can be used entirely in any of your future trips.


Any GST charged on any transaction will not be refunded.

Pending Refund:

Any refund pending on your booking will be credited to the same mode of payment through which you paid in 5-7 working days.

Partial Refund:

Any case in which a partial refund will be issued will be calculated after deducting the Booking Amount and Cancellation Charges depending on the time of Cancellation.

Remaining Amount:

Will be calculated on the amount paid over and above the booking amount.

Incase of government orders, harsh weather conditions , protests , landslides or any other unforseen circumstances , we work out the best possible alternate plans or trips/treks. At times even even certain activities are cancelled , the organization provides the best alternate but no refunds are provided.

If a trek is called off at the last moment due to a natural calamity/unforeseen circumstances (like rain, snowfall, earthquake, landslides, strike, bandh etc.), Greatbear Yatra will issue a trek voucher for the full amount and if possible will provide an alternate trek. The voucher can be redeemed upto same amount for the same trek or another trek in the next 365 days from the trek departure date.

If a trek or trip cannot be completed due to natural calamity/unforeseen circumstances (like rain, snowfall, earthquake, landslides, strike, bandh etc.). No refund would be provided.

Any extra expense coming due to any natural calamity/unforeseen circumstances (like rain, snowfall, earthquake, landslides, strike, bandh etc.), Will be beared by customer. Company will not be liable.

Cancellations policy will differ during the peak season and popular places.